Musings on Marriage, Motherhood, Mason Home Educating, Minimalism and the Maker in the Midst of it all.


Hello friend!

I am a Christian, wife, stay at home mama, homemaker, home educator, and writer,

seeking to live set apart in my God given roles as a woman (Titus 2:3-5, 1 Timothy 2:9-15). I’m glad to have you along as I learn and grow as a disciple of Christ, wife, mother, homemaker, mother teacher, and writer.


Here you will find…

·    Fresh insights/failings in my journey as a mother teacher

·  Minimalism and de-cluttering ponderings and progress

·     Creative non-fiction reflections on God’s faithfulness

·       Hacks for stewardship of the home & hearts therein 

·       Heartening quotes from current reads and sermons

·       Occasional favorite resources and recipes

·       Random homesteading how to do’s

·       Sparse attempts of poetry